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Cirasella’s story is a young one, starting on April 8, 2018, but it comes from far away: from the dreams and ambition of its creator, Luigi Gentile.

The vision behind Cirasella is grand yet concrete: to introduce a whole new way of enjoying pizza, blending it with the most creative and cutting-edge cuisine.

Here, we dare to be bold and imaginative, offering superior service and selecting unique flours and ingredients. We embrace Puglia and its rich food and wine culture, highlighting lesser-known products that deserve the spotlight.

We go beyond the possible, beyond imagination, offering four different types: contemporary pizza, “padellino” pizza, the “scrocchiarella” , and the new “ritorno al passato.” All are worth tasting at least once or, for gourmet lovers, savoring all together in our tasting menu experience “Ti racconto la mia storia.”

Cirasella aims to amaze you, introducing a new and unique concept of pizza.

And once you’ve discovered it, you’ll want to rediscover it again. And again.

Because these pizzas are like cherries, you can’t stop at just one.



    GAMBERO ROSSO (2022)

  2. Mentions on::
    La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
    and sector newspapers

Monopoli (BA),
Via Achille Grandi 37/39

Monday - Sunday
12:30 AM - 03:00 PM / 7:00 PM - 12:00 PM

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